Today the temperature is almost 13°C and Paris is alive with the joys of spring! It's about time because up until last week everyone was huddled up in scarves, gloves and hats along with their winter coats. I thought March was supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? The lamb was a little shy to get going this year and the lion very much outstayed its welcome.
The spring picture is from my window, a friend gave me some bulbs in a pot several weeks ago and now they're finally flowering. Can anyone tell me what the name of the flower is? I have to admit, in 29 years this is the first time I have managed to keep some form of plant-life alive! I should probably also admit that the idea for my window photo came from a fellow ex-pat, the delightful petite anglaise, whose blog is well established and makes fantastic reading.
Bon weekend!
un coin de terre dans paris enfin! du bonheur! et quel plaisir
The flowers are grape hyacinths - and a very welcome sight too, here a couple of hundred miles north of you we haven't even got the daffs out yet ...
Thank you pip! If you have any more gardening tips don't hesitate to let me know. For example, how often should I water an indoor begonia?
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